Good Friday

We have Good Friday off (since we are a trading firm), so I went to Milwaukee and did an escorting shift before that. I rarely can do weekday shifts, so I am always happy when I can.

It was had to tell whether it would be quiet or crazy having it was a Good Friday. It ended up being quiet; however, one episode struck me.

There were two women, presumably mother and daughter, whom I escorted to a different entrance of the building. They had their luggage with them, and when I asked where they were from, they said: from Louisiana. I was speechless. I asked how long the had to drive, and the mother said: we were ready to drive, but fortunately, we got a grant and could fly. But we had to be up at 4 AM today. They were both tired and slightly disoriented, but visibly happy they made it.

… Just one question: why?! Why did they have to travel so far to get an abortion, and when will this craziness stop?!

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