Time Management

I never felt as capable of doing all sorts of things as I am now, and at the same time, I never felt like “I do not have time” as now. My wants and needs as so much more than you can pack in a day, but I am still trying.

For the past several days, I wrote plans for each hour, both workdays, and weekend days, and that was the only way to keep me in some sort of control. At a minimum, I knew that no matter how hard I tried, I could only fit in about 60% of what I “needed” on any given day, so my disappointment was not so grave. And I was able to do everything that I marked as “urgent/important” and put in specific time slots.

Still, there are many things that are important/not urgent but will become urgent very soon, so I need to figure out a way to fit them in. Also, this way of living is completely not sustainable – you can’t schedule each and single hour of your life, at least not for long.

The purpose of this post is just to wave my hand and indicate that I am alive 🙂

2 thoughts on “Time Management

    1. I am not sure it’s good that I have to do that, but it’s good that I was able to check off several things. Actually, quite a bit.


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