Apple Vision – Keeping Exploring

Last weekend, I tried several more things with Apple Vision, with intermittent success.

  1. I shot a couple of immersive videos with my granddaughters while they visited. I learned that I should resist my instincts and do not move my head around – Apple Vision will take care of the panoramic view by itself. When I move my head around, the video becomes so jumpy, that you can’t watch it. But when I sat still, the results were great, I indeed felt in the middle of action.
  2. While reading the manual, I found out that you can take immersive videos using iPhone 15. The instructions stated that you could switch to the immersive video mode, and although your video won’t be immersive on the iPhone, it will be immersive when you watch it on Apple Vision. I tried it, and it was definitely not as great as the videos I made using Apple Vision itself. I will give it another try before pronouncing it an experience, but so far, I am not impressed. I was hoping that Boris would be able to send me the blooming lilacs from Helsinki :), but no!
  3. Device sharing didn’t work at all how I expected. I figured out how to start a guest session, and I thought it would be as easy as I would take off the device, give it to another person, and they continue from there. But it turned out that each “guest” had to go through the whole setup session, setting their eyes’ movements, their hands’ recognition, their sight focus, and so on. They say that Apple Vision can’t be used by anybody younger than 13, and honestly, it is hardly possible! The setup would be challenging even for some adults. So, my hopes of sharing the experience with my granddaughters will have to wait!

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