You’ll Never Guess What Can Break!

I moved to Rogers Park three years and two months ago, and some of my friends might remember that there was not a single thing in this house that would work properly then. Since I didn’t have money to fix everything, I resorted to the bare minimum, and one thing which was a must, was a washer/dryer combo, because there was none. I do not know what the previous owners did with their machine, but the niche designated for the washer/dryer was empty.

I purchased a new one from Home Depot (because at that point, I didn’t realize it’s evilness). Since the day I bought it, it had a problem with the dryer handle – it was getting off easily, just when you pull the door with above-average force. Fortunately, it was equally easy to put it back.

This thing (the handle getting off) happened periodically, and there was no problem until about a month ago, when, out of blue, I could not put this handle back! After several unsuccessful attempts, I finally realized what the problem was: the little hooks which would get inside the door and secure that handle, were gone; just broke off.

As one would expect, that happened exactly after the warranty was over :), and I was unsure how I could possibly get it fixed (BTW, opening this door without a handle required two screwdrivers). Then, I decide to ask Grandfather Google, and discovered the website where I could find spare parts for pretty much anything. There, I found the replacement handle.

The price was completely unreasonable, but when you need something – you need it! So I ordered an paid $80 for the part and delivery. However, since it would arrive several days later, I decided to “temporarily” fix it with Gourilla Gue – and if worked!

Nov, even though the part arrived long time ago, I am reluctant to tear off this “DIY” fix…🤣

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